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Rubén Echavarría and Aleja Ordóñez

"Thanks for trusting us"

About us?

Hello! Are Ruben (psychologist and musician) and Aleja (physiotherapist and singing student). A married couple who, together with our qualified assistants and instructors, make up the Team Vivace and today we want to tell you everything we have for you.

For us it is a true satisfaction to receive thanks from parents who tell us how their children have improved on a personal, family, academic and social level since they began their online classes at our Academy.

The Vivace Universe is a close and exclusive place where sounds find their harmony and where only those who dare to go beyond the everyday reach. If you are one of those who are passionate about having new learning and surprising experiences, then this place is for you.

Furthermore, if you have children and you have noticed that they like music or you recognize the benefits that music has for them on a personal, intellectual, linguistic, academic and social level, then the Vivace Universe is the right place for them.


The Vivace Method combines music with Psychology of Learning, Neuroeducation and Music, for stimulate neural connections, enhance the memory and attention.

Additionally, the Vivace Method is designed to facilitate the cognitive and emotional development of our most committed students, who immerse themselves and enjoy each week a significant experience.


Based on clear and easy-to-use digital and audiovisual resources for all ages


Each level of the program is an adventure where you learn while having fun


Online classes designed in 6 levels of progress where everyone can learn

“I started studying music from the age of 4, in my youth I studied music with an emphasis on piano and it took me 5 years to consolidate and perfect the 3 pillars of the Vivace Method based on the latest research in the psychology of learning, with the aim that anyone With the necessary desire, you can learn music in a simple and dynamic way”

Ruben Echavarria
Psychologist and Creator of the Vivace Method

You will receive your classes...

with instructors who have participated in different musical projects and with important groups, who have the charisma, experience and necessary knowledge, and also who are currently teaching several students, children, young people and adults around the world.

“Current students had the opportunity to take advantage of our music classes from home, top quality and incredible prices”

When you enroll in one of our courses, we will answer all your questions in each phase of your process, you will also have access to exclusive resources that we do not publish on social networks and you will be able to have access to the class recording to watch it as many times as you want.


We absolutely believe in the quality of the content of our courses, therefore, we are fully committed to providing you with the best training experience to develop your musical skills.

For this reason you have the first 14 days after taking your first online music class to request a 100% refund of your money.

IMPORTANT: To accept the return of your money it is mandatory that you send a letter to the email [email protected] addressed to the Vivace Musical Academy, explaining the reasons for your request to proceed with the due process, of which we will always keep you informed.


Our mission is to stimulate your artistic and human development through music so that you can achieve your dreams.


Our classes focus on providing you with close and flexible support that adapts to your expectations.


Be recognized as a solid and friendly platform for online music classes




Human quality

Social responsability


Our logo projects the closeness and dynamism of our Academy, and also reminds us of the commitment to satisfy, accompany and stimulate the artistic development of our students.

"Where sounds find their harmony"

Our slogan describes the Academy as a place of meeting and growth for each of our students, who advance towards the realization of their dreams.


The Vivace© Musical Academy is the dream come true of our founder and director Ruben Echavarria, psychologist, teacher and musical director

…artistic awareness classes at the Institute of Fine Arts of the city of Medellín. At the age of 12 he studied electric piano at the Academia Escala Musical for 4 years. At the age of 16, he entered the Institute of Fine Arts again, to delve deeper into musical theory, this time with an emphasis on piano for 5 years. He learned guitar, flutes and percussion thanks to the basic elements he learned in his first years of career. He has been director and musician of multiple musical projects performing different styles such as Rock, Pop, Boleros, Bossa Nova, traditional Irish music, among others.

As a psychopedagogue, he highlights the importance of attitude and emotions within human learning. His mother, his father, his grandfather and his teachers were his greatest influences; who stimulated and supported him on his musical path, which is why he highlights how fundamental music was for him in his intellectual, emotional and social maturity and the importance of family and professional support in the process of musical learning and personal development.

In 2012 he began teaching classes at home in different neighborhoods of Bello, Belén, Poblado and others. On July 13, 2016, with the support of their parents, they centralized classes at the physical headquarters in the Laureles-Estadio sector. In 2019, with the support of his wife, they switched to home delivery and in 2020 they created a new line of online classes to reach children, young people and adults around the world.


The Vivace Academy is one of the lines of action of Artistic and Human Development of the GROUP 7A GLOBAL SAS, an interdisciplinary team with a clinical, organizational and educational approach with allies in Colombia, Spain, Mexico and other countries, which provides comprehensive distance training and support programs (eLearning and bLearning) for people and institutions.

GROUP 7A GLOBAL SAS, we not only provide quality content, our objectives aim to generate dynamic learning experiences.

"Just as music is a means to have fun, I am convinced that it is also an excellent tool to increase people's Intelligence, Memory and Concentration, it is even a very useful instrument to promote success values such as Consistency, Perseverance and Self-esteem at any age, since I have verified every day that the sense of achievement by levels stimulates my students in their integral development.” 

Ruben Echavarria | Founder

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